Masterclass with Company Wayne McGregor
The masterclasses scheduled within the scope of GUIdance offer a unique experience of creative work, allowing advanced-level dancers and dance students to have privileged contact with some of the most renowned international creators in contemporary dance. In this edition of the festival, the masterclasses will be led by Wayne McGregor's company and Tjimur Dance Theatre. As a complementary task in the training, participants also have the opportunity to attend the performances of the artists/companies leading the masterclasses. This is an unmissable opportunity for skill development, which has been a significant investment and one of the goals of GUIdance.
Target Audience: Dance professionals and advanced-level dance students
Maximum Number of Participants: 20
Registration Deadline: January 19
Price: €15.00 [includes a ticket for the performance by the company leading the masterclass]
Registration through the form available at this link.