Festival End - Encontros de Novas Dramaturgias - 6.ª edição
Festivais Gil Vicente
Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festival End - Encontros de Novas Dramaturgias - 6.ª edição
Festivais Gil Vicente
Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festival End - Encontros de Novas Dramaturgias - 6.ª edição
Festivais Gil Vicente
Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
A Oficina
Centro Cultural Vila Flor
Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães
1. Casa da Memória de Guimarães
Centro de Criação de Candoso
Teatro Oficina
Educação e Mediação Cultural
Centro Cultural Vila Flor
A Oficina
Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães
1. Casa da Memória de Guimarães
Centro de Criação de Candoso
Teatro Oficina
Educação e Mediação Cultural
2. Loja Oficina
2021.11.12 Miguel Zenón Quartet
Grande Auditório


Miguel Zenón Quartet


To complete a long and demanding cycle of thirty years in music and to accomplish in the end of it a status of respectability, sustained by principles of integrity, coherence and good-faith applied to an artform, is much more difficult than we usually think, almost chimerical. Miguel Zenón, despite the aesthetical judgement one may articulate about his style, is a respectable musician, as is the festival where he performed for the first time in the already remote year of 1998 included in the Ken Schaphorst Ensemble and where he starred in many remarkable concerts such as the one by the Liberation Music Orchestra led by legendary bassist Charlie Haden in 2016, one of the most memorable nights of the history of Guimarães Jazz.

Born in Puerto Rico in 1976, saxophonist Miguel Zenón has been developing in the last three decades an extremely relevant trajectory not only as composer and as instrumentalist but also as an academic and in the quality of cultural activist, which makes of him one of the most respected musicians of the North-American jazz circuit. Besides his impressive curriculum of collaboration with some of the most highlighted names of contemporary music such as Kenny Werner, Danilo Pérez, Kurt Elling or Steve Coleman, among many others, Zenón presents a body of work as leader and composer that gravitates towards the harmonization of jazz’s universalist roots with the many different branches of influence exerted by the richness of the musical heritage from Latin America. His compositions were commissioned by internationally renowned North-American institutions such as Guggenheim and MIT and, in parallel with his artistic activity, Zenón devotes much of his time to teaching in several universities all around the world and. He is also, since 2011, the main force behind the “Caravana Cultural”, a project of cultural investment in Puerto Rico based on the promotion and the knowledge of jazz.

All these dimensions of this consistent ad competent musician contribute to his status of respectability. By practicing, and therefore propagating, a fundamental principle of generosity and reciprocity involved in the exchange of musical ideas, Miguel Zenón raises the standards of musical quality of those who listen to him and with whom he dialogues. Simultaneously formal and sensual, and punctuated by a certain conceptualism that adds up layers of meaning, the music created by the Puerto Rican saxophonist will be, in Guimarães Jazz 2021, enrichened by three musicians of meticulous technique and melodic sensibility. Venezuelan pianist Luis Perdomo, Austrian bassist Hans Glawischnig and North-American drummer Henry Cole, complemented by Zenón’s leadership, form an eclectic quartet of made of different musical identities that merge in order to serve a music focused on the deepening and improvement of musical traditions, harmonized around universal assumptions of free navigation through sound.

Miguel Zenón Quartet
15,00€ / 10,00€ c/d


Assinatura Integral
90,00 eur


Assinatura 3 concertos
35,00 eur


Assinatura 4 concertos
45,00 eur


Guimarães Jazz

Miguel Zenón saxofone alto

Luis Perdomo piano

Hans Glawischnig contrabaixo

Henry Cole bateria

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